2015, Number 4
Using the GRABS scale inthe perceptual evaluation of voice dysphonic patients
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 78-87
PDF size: 261.76 Kb.
A variety of scales have been created to evaluate the quality of the voice but from a clinical point of view practical, perceptual characteristics of a dysphonic voice from the examiner can be described using the GRABS scale. A longitudinal descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the implementation of the GRABS scale in 60 professional and non-professional voice with dysphonia before and after treatment logofoniátrico patients. Predominated feminine sex and not professional voice, older than 40 years. Before treatment, in non-professional voice, the G and R parameters were affected with the highest score in the mild and moderate categories and severe in the professional voice. In functional dysphonia G, R, A and B parameters had greater involvement in light category, while S reached the highest percentage in the severe category. In organic dysphonia G, R, A and B were more affected in the moderate category. After treatment, both functional and organic dysphonia, all the parameters showed improvement scale at normal category and light and S is fully normalized organic. Improvement was evidenced by the GRABS scale score after treatment. Perceptual voice assessment by the GRABS scale proved useful, practical, reliable and easy to implement in patients with functional or organic dysphonia and to monitor your progress after treatment.REFERENCES
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