2016, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2016; 15 (1)
Mechanical ventilation in neonatal intensive care unit
Pérez SY, Aríz MOC, Arbelo HI, Molina HOR, Mederos CY
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 70-77
PDF size: 390.37 Kb.
Introduction: In the last 50 years the field of the neonatal intensive cares has grown and matured, following a different dynamic.
Objective: To characterize the neonates assisted with mechanical ventilation in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Method: An observational, descriptive and transversal trial, with elements of qualitative and quantitative focus in neonates assisted with mechanical ventilation in neonatal intensive care unit from the "Mariana Grajales" Hospital of Santa Clara between 2005 and 2014 was done. A total of 537 mechanically ventilated infants were studied.
Results: In the period studied, 43,8% of neonates had birth weight below 2,500 grams and 33,0% of them below 1,500 grams; gestacional age was between 30 and 33 weeks. Only 22,2% of neonates presented severe depressed when they are born. The most common ventilation causes were infections, hyaline membrane disease and neurological causes. The principal complications were related with sepsis and respiratory diseases.
Conclusions: It is necessary to continue the mechanical ventilation overcoming and training in the neonatal intensive care unit.
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