2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Informática Médica 2015; 7 (2)
Need for registration and control software in Pathology for the hospital network in Cuba
Arango AP, Cabrera NL, Hurtado de Mendoza AJ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 185-195
PDF size: 159.65 Kb.
Autopsy results analysis generates multiple benefits mostly aimed at improving the quality of medical work. Its ultimate exploitation is based on an efficient information management, feasible with the incorporation of new technologies of information and communications. This paper aims to analyze the main Information Systems Pathology (SIAP) exist today for identifying trends and technologies used. The investigation shows that Cuba has one of the highest rates in the world autopsies, but the system in operation in the Departments of Pathology does not favor the analysis of mortality and morbidity indicators, other SIAP not adapted to conditions Cuban hospital network. Finally this study is the base for developing information systems aimed at Pathologic Anatomy incorporating good practices and current trends in developing this kind of software, reference being required Automated Registration and Control System in Pathology (SARCAP).
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