2016, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2016; 24 (1)
Beliefs of primary school children about the effects of tobacco consumption
Rodríguez-Ramírez JM, Salas-González TL, Ruiz-Zúñiga BJ, Marbella Flores-Or z F, Durán- Sánchez PE, Gómez-Cardona JP
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 55-59
PDF size: 97.34 Kb.
Introduction: Tobacco consumption is considered as a public health problem, is the second leading
cause of death worldwide. A growing trend is seen in the first use of tobacco at an increasingly
consumption at earlier ages.
Objective: To describe the beliefs of students of sixth grade of primary education on the effects
of tobacco.
Methodology: Descriptive study in a random sample of 155 sixth grade students of all elementary
schools in the municipality of San Jose de Gracia, Aguascalientes. Data were collected through a
self-administered ques onnaire to explore the “Beliefs about the effects of snuff .”
Results: The total number of students 40 % reported living at home with smokers, more than half
of the students in 60.6 % expressed positive aspects about that “smoking is not related with losing
sleep”. In 36.1 % and 31 % respectively believe that “if it helps people to be distracted from the
problems”; and “it makes people feel good.” It is significant that 12.9 % of students expressed that
consump on of snuff is not addictive and 9 % believe that it does not cause cancer.
Conclusions: Students share personal characteristics, family, economic, social and labor, such as
coexistence with active smokers at home and at work and have the belief that the consump on of
tobacco helps people to get distracted from the problems and that it feels good.
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