2016, Number 1
Perceived health and sexual and reproductive behavior in pregnant adolescents
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 45-50
PDF size: 104.17 Kb.
Introduction: Adolescent pregnancy is an issue of concern for the implications on the health of the mother and son and their integral and social development.Objective: To determine the influence of sexual behavior and reproduc ve health status of pregnant adolescents in a community in the State of Mexico.
Methodology: Descriptive study in a random sample of 200 cases of 1001 pregnant adolescents 13 to 19 years registered in health centers. Data were collected with a survey and analyzed using SPSS version 15.
Results: 0.7 correla ons exist between sexual and reproductive lives, 90% of girls become pregnant in their first sexual intercourse at a range of three years at the onset of menarche. The social, economic and health status of pregnant adolescents, impact is characterized as an economic capital under, with basic or less education, insufficient capital for integral development, belonging to a disadvantaged group of poverty and inequality; during pregnancy may have symptoms of preeclampsia, low weight, urinary tract infections, malnutrition and few prenatal visits.
Conclusions: Pregnancy and health problems in adolescents are associated with disadvantages in economic, social. The implica ons are mul dimensional, in which they can influence through programs of sexual and reproductive health for adolescents, a process perspective and respect for the principles of universality of rights, health and education.
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