2016, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2016; 24 (1)
Perceived stress for parents of critically ill newborns during hospitalization
Aguiñaga-Zamarripa ML, Reynaga-Ornelas L, Beltrán-Torres A
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 27-35
PDF size: 119.67 Kb.
Introduction: Treatment protocols for family includes iden fying stress levels of parents of newborns
in critical condition in hospital, enabling care planning, increasing the degree of security and
the perceived benefitit in improving infant.
Objective: To describe the level of perceived stress for parents of critically ill neonates during
hospitaliza on in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
Methodology: descriptive correlational study in a NICU parents about their percep ons of interpersonal
stress and superpersonal interviewed during hospitaliza on with “Paren ng Stressors
Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit”, developed and validated by Dr. Miles, statis cal analysis was
conducted in SPSS v.8.
Results: The level of stress perceived by parents was referred on fitive levels: Not stressful 24 %,
Li le bit stressful 36%, Moderately stressful 25 %, Very stressful 10 %, and Extremely stressful 5
%. The average was li le stressful interpersonal stress with superpersonal 2.04 and the stress was
moderately stressful to 2.51. The stress factor was highest scoring behavior and communication.
Conclusions: We identifitied that there is a rela onship between interpersonal and extra-personal
factors with the level of stress perceived by parents during hospitaliza on of the newborn in critical condition.
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