2016, Number 1
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2016; 24 (1)
Nursing social representation through the children’s drawing
Alba-Leone Al, Hernández-Falcón J
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 5-10
PDF size: 289.58 Kb.
Introduction: Draw let’s say with signs or images that are hard to put into words, so the social representation
through drawing is significant through the collection of individual beliefs, opinions, attitudes
or associations also reveal the organizing principles of social groups linked to their culture.
Methodology: The study is part of the phenomenological perspective of discourse analysis. From
the 1st call. Children’s Drawing Contest “A dedicated nurses” Were invited to participate children
who had a minimum of 7 years of age and maximum of 11 years 11 months.
Results: We emphasize the predominantly female nature of nursing practice. The representation
is predominant to the techno - scientific; even though numerous scenes highlights embrace the
approach and empathic relationship. The child’s imagination is rooted in everyday practices such
as preventive vaccination and routine procedures such as injections or measuring vital signs.
Discussion: Nurses, social status focused on his performance of patient care where the desire
to serve and help the sick and denoted there is little perception of their scientific knowledge ,
because by recognizing the images drawings nursing activities as a trade rather than a profession
is most noted.
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