2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2015; 21 (3)
Clinical features and therapeutic strategies in young adults with acute coronary syndrome, study of 8 years
Martínez BP, Valdés MA, Chipi RY, Reyes NGC, Rodríguez NL, Antuña AT
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 345.61 Kb.
Introduction: Acute coronary syndrome in young adults constitutes a clinical condition with peculiars characteristics.
Objective: To characterize the acute coronary syndrome in young adults admitted at the Cardiology and Surgery Cardiovascular's Institute between January 2006 and December 2014.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive and transverse study with 253 patients under 45 years old. They analyzed clinical variables, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Results: The mean age was of 42 years and the masculine sex predominated. The smoke’s habit was the most frequent cardiovascular risk factor (70.4%). The electrocardiographic disorders of the previous region (32.8% %) and inferior (28.5%) were the more frequents. The coronary stenosis was more frequent in the unique coronary artery disease. The most responsible arteries were the descending previous (40.3 %) and the right coronary (28.5 %).The normal ejection fraction of the left Ventricle (74.7% %) predominated in this study. The hypokinesia (46.2 %) and akinesia (19.0 %) predominated in this syndrome.
Conclusions: The not much extension of the coronary disease justified: The conservation of the ventricular function, the segmentary hypokinesia and the softly percent of complications. The coronary percutaneous Intervention constituted the strategy from re-perfusion more used in the acute coronary syndrome with elevation of the segment ST. The primary percutaneous coronary intervention was the most made in the SCA with elevation of the segment ST.
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