2015, Number 3
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Rev Hum Med 2015; 15 (3)
Hermeneutical analysis of the question of health
Rillo AG
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 401-420
PDF size: 223.64 Kb.
Historically the question of health is not understood and ask it can be approached as a philosophical problem. In this regard the purpose of the study is open to question medical tradition for health and explore the possibility to raise it from the perspective of Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. An investigation of a philosophical nature was made from the field of Gadamer‟s hermeneutics by dialectic question and answer to delimit the starting point, develop the horizon of understanding and the question was asked. At the starting point of health as hermeneutical problem arises. The question of the type discussed: what is health?; and it identifies that the issue of health should integrate the meaning, structure and horizon from which he is interrogated. When it opens to understanding the health question the need to explore the original meaning of health through dialogue with the medical tradition and retrieve the existential field of health as a way of being and approach the essence of health it is exposed. By placing the issue of health as a hermeneutical problem and regain health existential sense, hermeneutical question is stated as follows: what is the original meaning of health? Question that seeks to establish a dialogue with the Western medical tradition to think about health in life as the deepest enigma that health proposes to thought.
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