2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Ing Biomed 2013; 34 (1)
Simplification of the inverse electroencephalographic problem to one homogeneous region with null Neumann condition
Morín-Castillo MM, Oliveros-Oliveros JJ, Conde-Mones JJ, Fraguela-Collar A, Gutiérrez-Arias EM, Flores-Mena E
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 41-51
PDF size: 936.22 Kb.
Objective: To give a simplification of the Inverse
Electroencephalographic Problem (IEP) from the case of multilayer
conductive medium to the case of a homogeneous region with null
Neumann condition.
Methodology: IEP is divided in three problems,
two of which are resolved using the measurements of potential on the
scalp and with these solutions and the third problem the simplification
is carried out. In order to validate the simplification a synthetic
example is generated using the model of concentric spheres.
Through of simplification, the source is determined from the Poisson
equation with null Neumann condition and an additional data on
the boundary of the homogeneous region, which is obtained from
the measurement. This is valid for regions with smooth boundary.
Additionally, in the case of concentric spheres, it is statement the
identification problem for dipolar sources (representing epileptic
focus) using this simplification and Green function.
Conclusion: The
simplification presented here allows us to analyze the inverse problem
in one region, which simplifies the theoretical and numerical study.
In particular it may be useful to analyze the problem of parameter
identification of a dipolar source.
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