2002, Number 2
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2002; 15 (2)
Tuberculosis outlook: Suggestions for its eradication in Mexico.
Carrada BT
Language: Spanish
References: 107
Page: 107-125
PDF size: 1760.85 Kb.
Despite the epidemic re-emergence of tuberculosis in the late second millennium, we still have another chance to eradicate this disease. Currently available interventions will reduce tuberculosis cases and deaths if they are correctly implemented, but eradication of the disease and latent infections will require more investment in research to develop new drugs, vaccines and diagnostic tests. Public health infrastructure must be improved in the next decades to ensure progress toward this goal. Local health centers must provide all the elements for a comprehensive tuberculosis control program including education and training of health care teams, case identification, surveillance and laboratory monitoring, and direct and strict supervision of treatment. Clinicians will require to be prepared for cases of active disease using updated laboratory methods to establish a prompt diagnosis, identify drug-resistant strains and follow guidelines for prevention and treatment. This work is aimed to review the issues that physicians must know and do as part of the national effort to eradicate tuberculosis in Mexico.
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