2015, Number 4
Correlation between the diagnosis stage of hallux valgus and the evolution of surgically treated patients
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 37-49
PDF size: 219.33 Kb.
Introduction: the application of minimally invasive surgery in the hallux valgus could give an answer to the great need for an effective treatment community.Objective: to establish the correlation between hallux valgus classification and evolution of patients operated with this diagnosis.
Method: a cross-sectional observational study of correlational type was conducted at the North Area University Polyclinic of Ciego de Ávila, in the period between November 2011 and April 2014. The universe was composed of 201 with diagnosis of hallux valgus and the sample was made up of 49, which were operated.
Results: predominant age group between 60 and 69 years (44,9%); the most affected was the female sex (93,9%). Prevailed patients with bilateral deformity (85,7%), in moderate and severe stages according to their classification (83,7%). Preoperative functional evaluation scale by the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society ranged, in most of cases (77,5%), between fair and poor. According to their classification, there were higher surgical stockings gestures (4,75), surgical time (90,65 minutes) and delay time to ambulation (5,70 days) in the severe stage. Most patients were postoperative symptoms in severe stage (40,82%); as onset cases of complications which were minimal (8,2%). Postoperative functional evaluation according to the scale was 59,2% (good to excellent, improved significantly compared to preoperative).
Conclusions: the correlation between hallux valgus, its classification and the evolution of patients undergoing surgery was demonstrated.
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