2016, Number 1
Lung development in eight-week human embryos: a quantitative approach
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 46-55
PDF size: 204.12 Kb.
Introduction: the knowledge we have today on lung development has been derived from complex genetic and molecular studies, morphological and 2D, 3D, 4D imaging; among the latter, the application of complementary morphometric techniques is common.Objective: to characterize quantitatively lung development in eight-week specimens of the human embryonic period.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was conducted in three human embryos belonging to the Embrioteca of the Faculty of Medicine in Villa Clara; specimens were processed by means of the paraffin technique, their cuts were digitalized and all serial sections of both lungs were measured through distance and area options from EscopePhoto 3.0 software. Volume, longitudinal diameter and lateral ratio were obtained through mathematical calculations.
Results: it was found that the lung reached maximum linear anteroposterior, lateral and longitudinal values of 2,13 x 1,56 x 1,70 mm on the left side and 2,78 x 1,80 x 1,77 mm on the right side at week 8; the maximum area was of 2,09 mm2 and 2,68 mm2 on the left and right sides respectively; the average volume was of 1,16 mm3 in the left lung compared to 1,43 mm3 in the right one. The right/left ratio was of 1,23 and the left/right was of 0,8.
Conclusions: this study approached us to lung dimensions at week 8; a right dominance was found, being more obvious according to the variable volume. These features can characterize quantitative anatomy of the lung at the end of the embryonic period.
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