2016, Number 1
Cardiovascular risk estimation in a population from the health area of Santa Clara polyclinic
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 38-45
PDF size: 243.38 Kb.
Introduction: cardiovascular risk estimation has become in the cornerstone of clinical guides of primary prevention during the last decade.Objective: to estimate cardiovascular risk in individuals through the application of prediction tables of cardiovascular risk of the World Health Organization and the International Society of Hypertension, subgroup A from the Americas region, Cuba.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was carried out in 16-1, 16-5 and 16-9 family physician's offices from the Health Area of «Santa Clara» Polyclinic during March, 2013 to March, 2014. This was conducted based on multistage sampling with conglomerates including a primary selection of the family physician's offices; subsequently, in a second stage, it was used a stratified sampling in order to represent population in such a way that their sex and age proportions may be respected; and finally, a simple random sampling to 142 individuals who constituted the study sample.
Results: study sample showed a lower risk of having a cardiovascular event within the next ten years. Differences in the distribution of risk levels were found regarding skin color.
Conclusions: findings suggest the necessity to create a calibration table of cardiovascular risk in Cuba and to estimate risk to the totality of population, as a part of the Program of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases in Primary Health Care in order to do some actions of primary prevention.
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