2016, Number 1
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Medicentro 2016; 20 (1)
Theoretical bases of contemporary forensic sciences and professional interdisciplinary competencies
Rodríguez JRR, Loy VB
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 3-10
PDF size: 137.62 Kb.
A proposal about the conception of professional competences was carried out and it was based on
the approach of forensic sciences. A reflection from an interdisciplinary perspective was made on
the indispensable elements in the management of forensic investigations. This work integrates
knowledges about certain sciences, disciplines and specialties that get involve in expert investigations; it expresses, from their concepts, the functions considering the broad spectrum of
forensic research, as well as, it shows the capacity of professionals to improve the quality of their
works. Interdisciplinarity and process approach allowed us to integrate systemically the information,
managing quality of investigations in order to achieve this one in lesser time. Current state of the art
justifies the necessity of interdisciplinarity as an effective way to increase professional competences
in people involved in these inquiries, aspect that is demonstrated since the beginning of expert
investigations of crimes worldwide.
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