2015, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (3)
Aging population in Cuba
Naranjo HY, Figueroa LM, Cañizares MR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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Background: The aging in Cuba constitutes a demographic problem with an 18, 3 % of the population with 60 years old and more, it is expected that for the 2025 the 25 % represents the total population, in the 2050 the world population's proportion will be duplicated with more than 60 years old.
Objective: To analyze the aging population and their current challenges for the society in general and the sanitary sector in particular.
Conclusions: Aging population in Cuba is increasing progressively as current phenomenon and future of significant connotation; the essential causes of it are associated to the increment of the hope of life, together to the decrease of the mortality and to the descent of the fecundity, as well as to the negative migratory balance, among other factors. For this are needed strategies to increase the natality and to improve the conditions and quality of the adult's life, as well as for the differentiated attention, systematic and with quality of the profile of characteristic morbidity of this fragile and vulnerable population group.
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