2015, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (3)
The violence among pre university students. A social and health problem
Rodríguez BM, Núñez GY
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 243.99 Kb.
Background: The phenomenon of the violence has acquired a bigger social resonance in the last decades and its practices are more and more grateful and approached, fundamentally for the increasing of its frequency and the damages that it causes, That´s why the importance of its study and profoundness, always in function of preventing it and to diminish their negative consequences.
Objective: To approach the phenomenon of the violence that takes place among the adolescents with an emphasis in the school context as development space and growth for the human being.
Development: Starting from the approach carried out to the phenomenon, a general vision of it is promoted in function of the manifestations that are used, of each one of the typologies, the number of affected contexts and its frequency; rejecting the missed perception of associating these practices with visible physical aggressions, leaving to a side the manifestations of psychological, sexual, economic type and even physical not evidence in their entirety.
Conclusions: The scientific evidences that are synthesized in the revision confirm the necessity to treat the individual problems inside their context and of working interdisciplinary, implying all the groups that make influence in the student with the purpose of favoring to the maximum their harmonic development in the intellectual, social and affective field.
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