2015, Number 3
Hernia of Amyand. Case presentation
Language: Spanish
References: 9
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Background: The association of inguinal hernia imprisoned and sharp appendicitis is something unusual; it is known as hernia of Amyand and few cases have been described in the literature. Objective: To present the case of a patient with hernia of Amyand assisted in the General Hospital Camilo Cienfuegos from Sancti Spiritus. Presentation of the case: 62 years old masculine patient, with antecedents of having a right inguinal hernia diagnosed that began with increase of volume in this area and abdominal pain in right grave iliac of two days of evolution, accompanied by vomits and fever; it was surgically intervened with the diagnosis of right inguinal hernia imprisoned, a sharp appendicitis inside the hernia sack during the surgical act was found. Conclusions: The patient evolved favorably and without post operatory complications, he was discharged five days after having finished the antibiotic treatment of the surgery room.REFERENCES
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Zagirov UZ, Salikhov MA, Isaev UM. The new approach to ventral hernia repair: anatomic an functional basis. Khirurgiia [Internet]. 2008 [cited Dec 2014];7:41-2. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=The+new+approach+to+ventral+hernia+repair%3A+anatomic+an+functional+basis.+Khirurgiia+2008