2015, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (3)
The population's aging in Cuba: a challenge
Naranjo HY
Language: Spanish
References: 5
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Mr Director:
The population aging has been a peculiar phenomenon of the last century due to the improvement of the conditions of life and to the development reached by the medicine. According to data of the Organization of the United Nations (UN) in 1950 hundreds of thousands of 60 year-old grown-ups' existed in the world, but already in 1975 this figure reached the 350 million and in the 2020 you will arrive to the 1200 million old people. This panorama is peculiar of the developed countries, Cuba is an example as a country in development, given its population's aging, is considered for the 2025 the Cuban population's 25% it will have more than 60 years.
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Cuba. Minsap. Anuario Estadístico. La Habana: Minsap;2014.
Alfonso Fraga JC, Mena Correa M. Envejecimiento, un reto adicional. Apuntes para su estudio en América Latina, en salud, Cambio Social y Político. México: Edamex; 1999.
Cuba. Minsap. Proyección de la población nivel nacional y provincial, periodo 2011- 2035. La Habana: Minsap;2010.
Reyes Torres I, Castillo HerreraII JA. El envejecimiento humano activo y saludable, un reto para el anciano, la familia, la sociedad. Rev Cubana Investig Bioméd [Internet]. 2011 [citado: 2014 Dic]; 30(3):354-359. Disponible en: http://www.bvs.sld.cu/revistas/ibi/vol30_3_11/ibi06311.htm