2009, Number 3
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MEDICC Review 2009; 11 (3)
Smoking-attributable mortality in Cuba
Varona PP, Herrera TD, García RRG, Bonet GM, Romero PT, Venero FSJ
Language: English
References: 29
Page: 43-47
PDF size: 530.41 Kb.
Introduction Smoking is the main preventable cause of death worldwide.
The World Health Organization estimates that smoking causes 5
million deaths annually, a figure that could double shortly if the present
trend in tobacco product consumption continues.
Objectives Estimate smoking-attributable mortality in the Cuban population
and provide information needed to carry out effective public health actions.
Methods This is a descriptive study using smoking prevalence and
mortality data in Cuba for 1995 and 2007. Causes of death were
grouped in three categories: malignant tumors, cardiovascular diseases
and chronic respiratory diseases. Etiological fractions and attributable
mortality were calculated by cause and sex.
Results Of deaths recorded in 1995 and 2007, 15% and 18% of preventable
deaths were attributed to smoking, respectively. In Cuba in 2007,
smoking caused 86% of deaths from lung cancer, 78% of deaths from
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 28% of deaths from ischemic
heart disease, and 26% of deaths from cerebrovascular disease.
Conclusions Smoking is responsible for high rates of preventable
mortality in Cuba. There is willingness on the part of administrative
and political authorities to discourage smoking, and more than half of
smokers in Cuba wish to quit smoking. Given awareness that reducing
smoking is the most effective means of decreasing preventable morbidity
and mortality, the country is moving steadily toward concrete,
sustainable steps leading to increased life expectancy and quality of
life for the Cuban population.
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