2009, Number 3
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MEDICC Review 2009; 11 (3)
Transforming Cancer Indicators begs bold new strategies from biotechnology
Lage A
Language: English
References: 9
Page: 8-12
PDF size: 501.85 Kb.
A national cancer program is essentially a population health
initiative that goes beyond satisfying the demand for health
services to propose modifying specific objective indicators in a
defined population through interventions that have a scientifically
grounded probability of success.
In the case of malignant neoplasms, the three “gold standard”
indicators are age-adjusted specific mortality, age-adjusted incidence,
and average 5- or 10-year survival rates. All other
frequently used indicators—such as stage distribution at time
of diagnosis, participation in early diagnostic interventions,
intensity of public health education efforts, and coverage of
chemo- and radiotherapy services, among others—are valid
to the extent they are predictors of the three “gold standard”
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