2015, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Endoc 2015; 26 (3)
Adiposity, insulin resistance, blood pressure and ventricular geometry of children and adolescents
Marín JSM, Argoti NJS, Cabrera RJO
Language: Spanish
References: 54
Page: 222-237
PDF size: 304.31 Kb.
Introduction: high prevalence of obesity in childhood is associated to premature
development of cardiovascular risk factors such as dyslipidemia, blood hypertension
and insulin resistance.
Objective: to identify whether there is association between anthropometric
variables of adiposity and biochemical variables with the blood pressure and the left
ventricle mass values in children and adolescents.
Methods: a cross-sectional observational study conducted in 96 patients who were
9 to 16 years of age and had been seen at pediatric endocrinology service of the
National Institute of Endocrinology from November 2012 to April 2013; a nonprobabilistic
method at convenience was used. Demographic, clinical,
anthropometric, biochemical and echocardiographic variables were included.
Results: systolic blood pressure values were significantly higher in those with total
body obesity (110 ± 11
vs. 105 ± 11 mmHg, p = 0.026) and those with abdominal obesity (111 ± 11
vs. 105 ± 12 mmHg, p = 0.013) than in those who had body mass index under 97 percentile. Total body obesity was related to high triglyceride and uric acid values, the abdominal obesity to family history of blood hypertension, and both types of obesity were significantly associated with the family history of
diabetes and the Mathews homeostatic model- insulin resistance values. The left ventricle mass was remarkably greater in those with total body obesity (118 ± 39
vs. 96 ± 35 g/m
2, p = 0.008) and with abdominal obesity (123 ± 39
vs. 97 ± 34 g/m
2, p = 0.001). Mathews homeostatic model-insulin resistance showed significant positive correlation with the left ventricle mass (r = 0.496; p ‹ 0.001).
Conclusions: active search through an echocardiographic test allows identifying structural changes in the heart and in the vascular floor of children and adolescents with obesity and insulin resistance.
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