2008, Number 3
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MEDICC Review 2008; 10 (3)
Severe maternal morbidity in the Intensive Care Unit of a Havana Teaching Hospital, 1998 to 2004
Pérez AA, Bacallao GJ, Alcina PS, Gómez VY
Language: English
References: 50
Page: 17-23
PDF size: 209.17 Kb.
Introduction In recent years, several reports have appeared in the
international literature concerning evolution and prognosis for obstetric
patients whose illnesses have led to admission to intensive care
units (ICUs). The term severe maternal morbidity has been proposed
to refer to life-threatening complications that occur during pregnancy,
delivery or postpartum.
Objective Characterize severe maternal morbidity in obstetric patients
admitted to the ICU of the Enrique Cabrera General Teaching
Hospital in Havana from 1998 to 2004.
Methods From 1998 to 2004, we conducted a prospective, descriptive,
and observational study of 312 patients admitted to the ICU of
the Enrique Cabrera General Teaching Hospital in Havana, Cuba. Patients
were included whose length of stay was ›24 hours, and whose
family members provided written informed consent. A data collection
form was developed to record general characteristics, personal and
family medical history, cause of ICU admission, diagnosis, obstetric
condition at the onset of illness and at admission, pregnancy outcome,
surgeries performed and patient’s ICU discharge status (survivor or
non-survivor), the latter a dependent variable. An Excel database was
compiled and processed using SPSS 13.0. Percentages were used
to summarize qualitative variables. A Chi-square test was used for
univariate analysis between these qualitative variables and patient
discharge status; t-test was used for quantitative analyses.
Results Overall mortality in the cohort was 7.4% (23 patients), greater
among women aged ‹20 years, those with a history of previous illnesses,
and those subjected to several surgical interventions. Obstetric
hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, and postpartum sepsis
were the most commonly diagnosed obstetric disorders. Non-obstetric
disorders diagnosed included severe asthma, pneumonia and peritonitis.
Amniotic fluid embolism, postpartum sepsis, early postpartum
hemorrhage and pre-eclampsia/eclampsia were associated with the
highest hospital case fatality rates in women with obstetric disorders;
while acute chest syndrome, promyelocytic leukemia and pulmonary
embolism were associated with the highest hospital case fatality rates
among women with non-obstetric disorders.
Conclusions Our results concur with most of those published on severe
maternal morbidity in ICUs, including a high incidence of hemorrhagic
disorders, pre-eclampsia and postpartum sepsis. The number
of patients with hematological disorders accounts for the difference
between the results of our study and others concerning morbidity and
mortality among this patient group. A significant correlation was observed
between history of previous illnesses and patient discharge
status. Prognosis was worse for patients subjected to several surgical
interventions, which can be attributed to the higher risk of complications
and the severity of the underlying illness.
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