2015, Number 6
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AMC 2015; 19 (6)
Mediastinal lymphoadenoctomy in non-small-cell lung cancer surgery
García RME, Armas PBA, Koelig PR, Flagela CA
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 665-675
PDF size: 476.27 Kb.
Background: the cause of lung cancer is mumultifactorial; there are risks associated to genetics, environmental expositions and lifestyles. Tobacco is still the best known carcinogen; nevertheless, in spite of the risks of expositions to smoke, many lifetime smokers do not develop lung cancer.
Objective: to make a review of the state of the art of mediastinal lymphoadenoctomy in the treatment of ganglionic affectation in lung cancer.
Methods: a search in the data bases Medline, Ebsco, Pubmed, Csielo and Redalycs was made using different descriptors in both Spanish and English.
Developmet: lymphoadenoctomy in the clinical and pathological state, as well as the determination of prognosis markers of recurrence and metastasis, define the survival of patients with lung cancer.
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