2015, Number 6
Acupuncture in elderly people anxious about the stomatological treatment versus the conventional treatment
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 577-589
PDF size: 966.82 Kb.
Background: Cuban population is growing old and, in a few years, will be the most long-lived in Latin America. Anxiety is frequent in the elderly person who comes to the stomatology service. It is a barrier to the doctor-patient relationship.Objective: to asses the effectiveness of acupuncture in elderly people anxious about the stomatological treatment in Ismael Clark y Mascaró Clinic in Camagüey from January to October, 2014.
Method: a controlled clinical trial was conducted. The universe was composed of 100 patients. A simple randomized, double-blind sampling was made to 60 aging patients that were very anxious about the stomatological treatment and agreed to participate in the research. There was homogeneity in the selection of the participants to compose the groups I (treated with acupuncture) and II (treated with benzodiazepines). There was also homogeneity in the use of the instruments selected to conduct the measure and the interpretations. The objective observation avoided skewness. The clinical evolution of anxiety was compared applying the initial and final IDARE test. The SPSS software package for Windows, version 21.0, was used. The descriptive statistics and the nonparametric statistical inference, known as Mann Whitney, were applied with a statistically significant result of 5, 05.
Results: female sex between 65 and 69 years old predominated. Fear, trembling, irritability and muscular tension were some of the clinical variables observed. The levels of anxiety were high but at the end of the treatments the clinical symptoms and anxiety decreased in both groups.
Conclusions: the treatment with acupuncture turned out to be very effective in decreasing anxiety in elderly people facing a stomatological treatment.
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