2015, Number 6
Topical Oleozone in tooth bleaching with pulp-radicular treatment. A propos of a case
Language: Spanish
References: 13
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Introduction: your teeth may change their color due to some extrinsic causes such as the ingestion of coffee, wine, Coca Cola soft drinks or other drinks that contain dyes; foods that may stain them, or they also may change due to intrinsic causes, when the internal structure of the tooth (dentine) darkens or takes a yellow tint as it sometimes occurs in teeth with pulp radicular treatments.Case report: a 14 year-old- female patient with a good health antecedents, who was brought to the medical office due to a color change at the level of 11 that affects its aesthetic and social relations, her mother referred that 5 years ago her daughter suffered a stroke in that tooth and a pulp radicular treatment was performed to her, that it the reason why she was admitted in the Stomatology services for a further assessment and treatment.
Discussion: previous radiography corroborating the correct performance of the pulp radicular treatment, it was also applied the topical Oleozone with a purified cotton placed in the cavity (inside the tooth) for 1-3 minutes in sessions of 10 minutes under heating. As the evaluation criteria it was considered the tooth whitening, the presence or absence of pain and periapical radiographies.
Conclusions: after 3 sessions, the tooth whitening was achieved with the application of topical Oleozone improving the aesthetics and quality of life of the patient.
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