2015, Number 3
Compliance with international patient safety goals
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 135-142
PDF size: 302.36 Kb.
Introduction: The international patient safety goals (IPSG) are important guidelines at the international level to promote specific improvements in the process of providing safe and high-quality patient care.Objective: To measure the level of compliance of the IPSG that is carried out by nursing staff in a tertiary care level hospital.
Methodology: Descriptive study. We designed an instrument with three choices: “Yes”, “No” and “Not applicable” (NA). Then, we applied the Kuder Richardson 20 (Kr-20), with a result of 0.89. We surveyed a total of 97 nurses. Once we obtained scores, we established a four-item color code, according to the level of compliance: green (82-100 %), yellow (71-80 %), red (60-70 %) and black, whose value was ‹ 59 %. Then, the average implementation time was obtained.
Results: The level of compliance was 72.6 % and the yellow color was assigned, according to the color scheme established. The overall rating of NA was 2.9 %. The average time was 20 minutes with a minimum of 13 and a maximum of 50 minutes, with a standard deviation of 7.93.
Conclusions: This instrument is efficient to measure the way the IPSG are applied. Shift change is the ideal time to apply the measurement. According to the color code, the overall level of compliance is in yellow, so it is necessary to reinforce training in order to improve the application of these goals and provide high-quality care to patients.
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