2015, Number 5
Relevance of the draft protocol on biomedical research
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 684-693
PDF size: 69.95 Kb.
Introduction: biomedical research protocol is linked to processes that should enable their viable and sustainable implementation. It is possible to properly develop when you have the basics to assume them.Objective: highlight the importance of the protocol outline in biomedical research.
Material and Methods: A review on SciELO, Medline and Lilacs Databases was done, where information related to the subject was found.
Development: the process of developing a protocol is just one of the elements necessary to the appropriate development of biomedical research. It is highlighted the technical relevance for the design and development of them and emphasized like a key idea the management protocols for biomedical research, teamwork, creative management in the search for solutions, the maintenance of a good flow of information and communication, flexibility, context and relevance idea.
Conclusions: appropriated protocol outline in biomedical research will ensure effectiveness, efficiency and effectiveness in what is to be scanned, so that professionals continue forming tools that decide its components, the best structure and design that contribute to positive outcomes for the benefit of society.
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