2015, Number 5
Characterization of patient with abandonment of antirretroviral therapy and economic consequences. Boyeros. 2013
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 587-598
PDF size: 136.50 Kb.
Introduction: no fulfillment of the treatment is the main cause of therapeutic failure in patient with HIV and it is one of the predictor factors to AIDS and death. The adherence to the Antirretroviral Therapy is a challenge for the success of the treatment of the HIV.Objectives: to characterize the patients with abandonment of Antirretroviral Therapy in the municipality Boyeros during the 2013 and to describe their economic consequences.
Material and Methods: we was carried out a descriptive work of cross section. 124 patients were studied. The data were obtained of the cards of control of medications and the clinical histories of the municipal consultation of Infectología. The data were processed in the statistical program SPSS.
Results: 60,5 % was intermittent abandonment and 17 % was total abandonment The masculine sex prevailed. They are between 30 and 49 years, basic secondary escolaridad and they have between 6 and 10 years of illness. 40 % of the patients with abandonment intermitente/parcial; they present count of CD4 smaller than 350 cel x mm3 and 20% of total abandonment. The outlines AZT - 3TC - Nevirapina, AZT - 3TC - Indinavir and AZT - 3TC - Kaletra, they are consumed by 73,4 % of the cases and they represent 76,6 % of the annual cost for lost treatments. The monthly cost for abandonment was $20 787,50 and the total cost $62188,40 pesos.
Conclusions: in spite of the gratuitous access to the Antirretroviral Therapy, abandonment of the treatment exists in mature patients with HIV in the municipality Boyeros with a significant monthly and annual cost for the country.
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