2015, Number 5
Presence of early atherosclerotic signs in adolescents between 10 and 19 years apparently healthy
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 558-572
PDF size: 1058.33 Kb.
Introduction: atherosclerosis is the most concerned epidemic in the world, is a gradual process that progresses from the first or second decade of life, until the appearance of clinical manifestations in later decades. The research aimed at the identification of Atherogenics risk factors in children and adolescents, facts show that the precursors of atherosclerosis consequential diseases in adults are established at an early age of life.Objective: to identify the presence of early atherosclerotic signs in adolescent between 10 and 19 years of Office 41 apparently healthy.
Material and Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted between January and October 2012 in the Doctor's and Nurse Family Polyclinic No. 41 "Raúl Gómez García".
Results: the most predominant for both sexes’ atherosclerotic risk factors were the low consumption of fruits, 62.2% in the male sex and the female 78.8 % and waist circumference above the 90th percentile in the males accounted for 53.3 % and 66.7 % female. In both sexes predominantly adolescents with two or three signals at 20 for males and 44.4% for women 16 to 48.5 %.
Conclusions: a significant number of adolescents with early atherosclerotic signs in the office.
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