2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (4)
Induced male lactation
Román LJ
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 487-498
PDF size: 198.50 Kb.
For the creation of the world that the UN-approved Millennium Statement
envisages, it is essential to achieve the gender equality. It is a growing concern today that many women, who are the primary caregivers of children, stop partially
or completely breastfeeding their children. In the embryonic stage, the
development of the structures making up the mammary tissue is the same for
males and females. Men's teats, which are equivalent to women's breasts, were
considered for a very long time a mystery since they do not seem to perform any
function and represent a problem for the theory of evolution. However, there have
been reports from different parts of the world about lactation induced by men when
the baby sucks on their teats in a frequent and prolonged way. If this happens in
men whose mammary glands are underdeveloped, how is it possible that women
who are better fit for this purpose cease to breastfeed the child? Looking for an
answer to the question Can man lactate too?, data search was made online through
Infomed and Internet as well as visits were paid to specialized libraries and to
“Calixto Garcia” hospital in the Cuban capital. The result was surprising since even
in Cuba, there was a man in Camaguey province who managed to lactate his
daughter for 22 months.
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