2014, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (3)
Experiencing the hemodialysis by the bearer of chronic renal failure
Ferreira SC, Ribeiro ST, de Andrade-Barbosa TL , de Oliveira SCS , Xavier-Gomes LM
Language: Portugués
References: 19
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Objective: To understand how the person with chronic renal failure (CRF) and realize
the disease hemodialysis.
Methods: It is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the use of
Grounded Theory as theoretical and methodological reference. The study setting was a
hemodialysis unit that provides outsourced services to the Health System in the
municipality of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais. Data were collected with 14 CRF through
semi-structured interviews.
Results: The coding and data analysis allowed the identification of three categories.
“Facing hemodialysis: an unresolved issue”, “Spirituality and family” and “Expectancy
in relation to treatment”, being possible to reach the phenomenon “Experiencing the
hemodialysis”. The speeches of the respondents revealed diverse ways of coping with
chronic kidney disease and hemodialysis. Some see life with great limitations. Others
see a form of treatment in the maintenance of survival.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the wearer perceives several changes after the
disease and his treatment is positive when faced sees it as a way of maintaining life,
but they see it as negative when there are feelings of dependence on hemodialysis
machine and limitations. The expectations on renal transplantation were ambivalent,
because some manifested interest in transplanting, while others, due to specific
causes, not envisage its realization.
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