2014, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (3)
Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients treated in psychiatric outpatient
Pires CD, da Silva SEL, Missias MR, Brito TJR, Santana SPLL, Ferraz AK, Cruz SV
Language: Portugués
References: 23
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Introduction: to characterize users with mental disorders in different health services is extremely important for the planning and implementation of changes in welfare policy.
Objective: to describe the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients treated in
psychiatric outpatients.
Methods: were analyzed medical records of 97 patients of psychiatric annex of a general hospital of Jequié, Bahia, Brazil. The data were collected using a form, processed through the SPSS software, version 15.0, and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics.
Results: 54,6% of patients are male, 29,9% are aged between 30-39 years, 56,8% are using neuroleptic antipsychotics, 54,6 % progressed with orientation during
consultations, 94,1% of the variables had incompleteness of information.
Conclusions: the patients have been benefited with ambulatory treatment and pharmacological therapy, evolving with remission of psychopathological symptoms,
necessitating utilization of alternative strategies to complement the treatment. The appropriate registration and organized of the medical records is fundamental to
subsidize the targeting in the production of care, enabling action planning and management of mental health policies.
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