2014, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (1)
Inability of patients due to adverse events in the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit
Hernández MZ, Mora PY, Hernández MAB, Herrera FLR
Language: Spanish
References: 14
PDF size: 69.08 Kb.
Introduction: patient safety is based on the need to counter the harmful effects that
adverse events on patients.
Objective: To determine the impact of adverse events, in terms of disability, which
appeared in patients in whom this adverse event was reported.
Methods: A prospective study was conducted at the Polyvalent Intensive Care Unit of
the Provincial Hospital of Cienfuegos during the months of February to April 2010. To
determine the severity according to category and disabling the patient regarding the
international form of revised Spanish Society of Intensive Care and Coronary Units.
The universe was composed of 110 patients admitted to the service during the study
Results: The most prevalent were those of category B and C for a total of 28.18% and
25.45%, representing 31 and 28 reported incidents; The most serious incidents were
associated with airway, 25.45%; despite these adverse events suffered no crippling
patients in terms of disability.
Conclusions: The severity of adverse events were identified and it was determined
that there were no fatal disabling in patients enrolled in the study.
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