2015, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2015; 38 (5)
Suicidios en menores de 20 años. México 1998-2011
Sánchez-Cervantes FS, Serrano-González RE, Márquez-Caraveo ME
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 379-389
PDF size: 297.30 Kb.
During the last decade, an increase in children and adolescents’ completed
suicide has been reported nationally and internationally. Psychiatric
disorders, family circumstances and sociocultural influences
are associated risk factors.
To describe suicidal tendency in children and adolescents during
1998-2011 in Mexico.
National Data Health Records on mortality in children and adolescents
younger than 20 years between from the year 1998 to 2011
were analyzed. Rates and indices were calculated using population
projections from the National Population Council. The Truncated Trend
of Standardized Mortality, change rate and the Years of Life Lost Index
were calculated.
In the 5 to 19 year group population, the completed suicide deaths
accounted for 7% of the external cause injuries; the male-female ratio
was 2.2:1. Overall, the tendency increased from 18.5 to 31.9 by
106. Hanging was the method most often employed. The percentage
of change was greater in women with 6%. The county with the highest
trend was Hidalgo with 17.2%. In 2011, Tabasco was the county with
the highest index of years lost by suicide with 67%.
Discussion and conclusion
The increase in completed suicide in the adolescent’s group, the hanging
method, the low socioeconomic status and the problems with the
registry’s death system are data that have also been reported by other
authors. The suicide mortality trend has increased. Hanging was the
preferred method nationally. A deficient recording system remains an
unresolved issue.
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