2013, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2013; 29 (4)
The humanistic formation of nurses: unavoidable requirement
Amaro CMC
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: The foundation of this research work, which was carried out from 1995
to 2002, lays in the knowledge of the past to understand the present and to transform
the future. From the emergence of the first School of Nurses in Cuba, it was evident
that knowledge about the history of this profession was needed since it was an
important content to strengthen vocation and professional identity as well as teaching
ethics as a theoretical fundamental of the moral behavior of the future nurses. In the
90's, there was deterioration of the performance model in a large number of nurses of
different age groups in addition to poor identification with the profession, low selfesteem
and professional pride. It was then necessary to respond to the generated
scientific problem of how to strengthen the professional identity and the professional
ethical values.
Objective: To share ideas with the nursing professionals with a view to contributing to
the humanistic formation of nurses.
Methods: Qualitative and historical methods based on research-action by using
techniques such as survey, participating observation, focal group, Delphi, documentary
analysis, historical interview and data triangulation.
Conclusions: On the emergence of Plans D in Cuba in 2002, curricular subjects like
history of nursing, ethics and bioethics were then included in recognition of the
requirements of the humanistic formation of these professionals. The basic syllabi and
texts were prepared and submitted by the author of this paper. However, the following
plans eliminated Ethics and Bioethics, thus denying the previous importance given to
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