2015, Number 5
Medisur 2015; 13 (5)
Considerations for Improving the teaching-learning process in Higher Medical Education
Díaz QJA, Valdés GML
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 708-713
PDF size: 126.62 Kb.
Higher medical education in Cuba aims at meeting the social mission expressed in both the curriculum objectives and the model for health professionals. This involves the design of educational activities considering the most updated general didactics contextualized in the teaching of medical sciences. If we are called to establish a medical university marked by academic excellence and social relevance as characteristics defining quality in higher education, actions for improvement of the teaching-learning process are then needed. This article includes different considerations to achieve the aforementioned improvement based on the systematization of theoretical and methodological aspects established according to a didactics that contributes to the full development of the student’s personality. The characteristics to be considered in the different personalized components of the teaching process are specified. Undoubtedly, this an issue of interest to teachers and students since they are the protagonists of this process, responsible for putting it into practice; a practice that is source, criterion and purpose of the truth, always relative, of scientific knowledge.REFERENCES
Díaz Quiñones JA, Calderón Mora MM, Boullosa Torrecilla A, Reigosa Lorenzo R. El proceso evaluativo del diagnóstico médico en el sexto año de la carrera de Medicina. Santi Spíritus. 2011. Gaceta Médica Espirituana [revista en Internet]. 2012 [ cited 24 Sep 2015 ] ; 14 (3): [aprox. 13p]. Available from: http://bvs.sld.cu/revistas/gme/pub/vol.14.(3)_04/p 4.html.