2015, Number 5
Laboratory practicals. A new approach to its use as an organizational form of the teaching process
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 654-662
PDF size: 463.01 Kb.
Economic actions against Cuba since the 90´s have had a negative impact on laboratory practicals in the Basic Sciences, leading to changes in the curriculum. This paper reviews the feasibility of rescuing and improving such activities related to the Physiology content inserted in the discipline of Morphophysiology. The objective was to identify the Physiology content to be taught in the practicals and define the means and innovations necessary to complete them. The practicals that can be carried out with the available means are presented and characterized. It is concluded that the exercises and topics covered in the practicals coincide with the Physiology content corresponding to Morphophysiology I, III, V and VI and that they can be carried out with the existing resources as well as other innovated by the authors. This way of proceeding saves resources by replacing media or reagents and leads to more effective learning, plus better preparation of teachers to meet the challenges posed by the curriculum D.REFERENCES
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