2015, Number 6
Behavior of smoking in teenagers of the Fructuoso Rodriguez Neighborhood. Cardenas
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 579-588
PDF size: 52.95 Kb.
Background: the World Health Organization reports smoking as the main preventable cause of disease, disability and premature death, and has pointed out that around 14 000 persons per day die due to any of the diseases attributed to it.Aim: characterizing smoking behavior in teenagers.
Material and Methods: the research was observational, descriptive, crosssectional, in a universe of 51 teenagers belonging to the family physician consultations 24, 25 and 26 of the Teaching Policlinic “Heroes del Moncada”, of Cardenas, fulfilling the following inclusion criteria: aged 10-19 years, being active smokers without taking into account the time they have being smoking, theq uantity of cigarettes they smoke, and having their relatives´ informed consent for participating in the research in the period from January to June 2013.
Outcomes: 11.4% of the teenagers were smokers, and 78.4% were male. There it was a predominance of the 17-19 years-old group, for 58.8%. 92.2% of them began smoking at the age of 12, 56.9 percent smokes every day, and 43.8% buys cigarettes in the stores by themselves. All of them smoke in public, and 62.7% smokes at home.
Conclusions: there it is a predominance of male teenagers aged 17-19 years. Most of the teenagers smoke every day in public places, buy personally cigarettes in the stores and began smoking when they were more than 12 years old.
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