2015, Number 2
The habit of digital suction in children from urban elementary schools and a proposal of intervention
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 453-462
PDF size: 246.11 Kb.
Introduction: incorrect oral habits can cause dental maxillary facial abnormalities affecting phonation esthetics and even the psyches of the individuals in which dental suction is in a relevant place.Objective: to determine the prevalence of dental suction habit, if there is a relation with age, sex, type of lactation and frequency of execution, as well as to elaborate a proposal of educative intervention to diminish its appearance.
Methods: an observational study was carried out in three steps: the first one had an analytic and transversal character, the second one: descriptive transversal and retrospective and the third one of qualitative character. The universe was integrated by 2667 children from 7 to 11 years old from Güines. Interviews and clinical examination were performed. The information was taken in forms, processed in digital way and presented in tables using natural numbers and percentage. X2 and Duncan tests were used.
Results: the prevalence of this habit was of 7,6 % showing the highest figures in the female sex with a 5,3, the most frequent lactation type was mixt with the 56,5 % and the 80,3 % of scholars practiced the habit in distant moments. Techniques of identification of the problem and a program of health actions were proposed.
Conclusions: the prevalence of the habit was low, the highest was in the female sex and the study did not show relation with the studied ages. In children with the habit the mixt lactation prevailed, the time of breast feeding from 2 to 3 months and the habit in an intermittent way.
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