2015, Number 2
Sub prosthesis Stomatitis in a doctor’s office from Jaruco municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 397-407
PDF size: 320.67 Kb.
Introduction: sub prosthesis stomatitis, is one of the most frequent disorders of the oral mucosa that is presented in patients with dental prostheses and it constitutes a risk factor for the appearance of pre malignant lesions in the mouth.Objective: to determine the prevalence of sub prosthesis stomatitis in the Doctor’s Office number 7 from Jaruco municipality.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was carried out with 78 patients examined in consultation and the simple was represented by 70 patients that accomplished with the inclusion y exclusion criteria, who were applied a questionnaire and an oral exam was done, to know about this disease related to age, sex and clinical presentation as well as which are the predisposing factors that were present in this population.
Results: 54,2 % of the studied population presented sub prosthesis stomatitis fron them the 30% belonged to the patients of 60 years old and more and the female sex was the most affected with a 52.6%. Besides, the time of using the prosthesis, the deficient higiene and non-functional prosthesis were the factors that most affected in the high prevalence of the disease.
Conclusions: sub prosthesis stomatitis prevailed in the studied population. Grade I clinical presentation was the most evidenced identifying predisposing factors to this affection.
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