2015, Number 2
Perinatal results of pregnancy in adolescents in Jaruco municipality
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 384-396
PDF size: 280.53 Kb.
Introduction: pregnancy in adolescence may have adverse consequences for the mother and for the newborn.Objectives: to determine the perinatal results of adolescent pregnant women in Jaruco municipality during 2012.
Methods: a prospective analytic longitudinal study was performed with a universe of 64 adolescent pregnant women with an initial simple of 48 taken at random which formed the group exposed to the factor of study and another group of non-exposed of 20 or more years old of the same quantity of pregnant women following the relation 1:1; so, the definite sample was formed by 42 y 45 in each respective group. The information was collected by the revision of the clinical and obstetrics histories, the statistics measures used were the medium, standard deviation, percentage, test of Student, Chi square and relative risk.
Results: in the adolescent pregnant women group there was significantly higher preeclampsia (RR = 1,81), oligoamnios (RR = 1,98), threat of preterm delivery (RR = 2,04) and preterm deliveries (RR = 1,98), low weight newborns (RR = 2,04) and low Apgar in the first minute of life (RR = 1,81); there was also more respiratory distress in the newborns (RR = 1,99) and puerperal endometritis (RR = 1,88). There were no differences between both groups in other affections related to pregnancy or neonatal and puerperal complications, as well as the way of delivery.
Conclusions: pregnancy in adolescence increases the risk of adverse perinatal results for mother, fetus and newborn.
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