2015, Number 2
Altered cytology, age, onset of sexual relations, number of couples and promiscuity
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 371-383
PDF size: 293.05 Kb.
Introduction: cervix cancer is a malignant neoplasia associated to different risk factors, among them the sexual behavior.Objective: to relate the sexual behavior of a group of women as a risk factor with the result of their cytological study.
Methods: an explicative, analytic and retrospective study of cases and control was performed at “Leopoldito Martínez” General Teaching Hospital from January 2011 to December 2012. The group was formed by 500 patients from the cervix pathology consultation and the control group was formed by 500 women with negative cytological results in the analyzed period, with the same interval of age and that belonged to the Doctor’s Office of the patients of the group under study. The relative risk was estimated and the statistic meaning by Chi square.
Results: there is a great relation between the analyzed factors and altered cytology.
Conclusions: it was shown the importance of the relation of the factors: early beginning of the sexual relations, the highest number of couples and promiscuity and alteration of cytology.
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