2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud y Trabajo 2015; 16 (2)
Characterization of the thermal occupational environment and its relationship with the exposed workers' health
Revueltas AM, Betancourt BJA, del Toro RR, Martínez GY
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 188.62 Kb.
The Cuban workers , like everywhere in the world , often work in some occupations exposed to high temperatures , so it is necessary to consider that a high ambient temperature , high humidity, strenuous exercise or insufficient heat dissipation may cause unrest known as disorders caused by heat. This work was carried out in order to know the thermal work environment assessment by the exposed workers and to characterize it , assess the relationship of the conditions presented by exposure to heat and assess the heat stress generated by means of the Wet Bulb Globe temperature Index ( WBGT). An analytic and traversal study was carried in five working centers with internal generating sources of heat. The universe was constituted by 81 workers that were interviewed to know their opinion about the thermal labor atmosphere to which they were exposed (based on the subjective trial scale of heat), the diseases they presented related to heat and the time they have been working in that activity. All interviewed workers considered the thermal labor atmosphere as very hot and hot. An 85,2 % of them referred affections related with the heat, that affect its well-being and to generate unconformity. The appearance of prodromal of systemic affections, kept significant relationship with the increment of the index WBGT. The thermal stress was presented by 40,7 % of the consulted workers.
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