2015, Number 2
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2015; 18 (2)
Environmental history of an alpine lake in central Mexico (1230-2010)
Cuna E, Caballero M, Zawisza E, Ruiz C
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 97-106
PDF size: 1573.79 Kb.
High altitude lakes, with a low mineralization, alkalinity and nutrient levels, are sensitive ecosystems to natural or
anthropogenic disturbances and currently are in risk due to global warming. There are only two high altitude
lakes (› 3,800 m asl) in Mexico, La Luna and El Sol, in the Nevado de Toluca crater. Chemical parameters
and surface sediment diatom assemblages show differences between both lakes, La Luna has lower pH and
mineralization, and in spite of their geographic proximity, each lake has a characteristic diatom assemblage,
with lower diatom concentration and species richness in La Luna. In this lake
Encyonema perpusillum and
Psammothidium helveticum are dominant while in El Sol are
Cavinula pseudoscutiformis, Psammothidium
levanderi and
Aulacoseira distans. This ecological distribution is the basis for the interpretation of the diatom
record from La Luna, from a 57 cm long core dated with
210Pb y
14C for which cladocera and magnetic
susceptibility data are also available. These proxies allowed identifying the beginning of a trend towards
colder and dryer climates around 1350-1510. This period correlates with the Little Ice Age (LIA) in which the
coldest and driest conditions were from 1660 to 1760, during the Maunder solar minimum. Cooler and drier
conditions are recoded until the begining of the 20th century. Correlation with other paleoenvironmental
records show that there was a regional trend to drier climates during the LIA in central Mexico.
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