2015, Number 4
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2015; 62 (4)
Utility of the «pneumococcal urinary antigen» detection at a university hospital
Caiata L, Barone N, Palacio R, Seija V
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 256-261
PDF size: 224.49 Kb.
Introduction: Acute community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality, BinaxNOW
® Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen is used for etiologic diagnosis.
Objective: To determine whether the application of this test is adjusted to the indications for its realization, alternative diagnoses to its request and investigate the impact of a positive result in the prescription of antibiotics in adult patients with CAP.
Material and methods: Descriptive, transversal study. All patients to whom this test was requested were included. It was considered that the indication of the test was adequate when the patient had moderate-severe CAP.
Results: 225 determinations were requested, 14 were positive (6.2%). 71 patients had no diagnosis of CAP: 154 medical records were reviewed. One hundred and sixteen patients had no adequate indication. The emergency department was the service that requested greater number of determinations (n = 179, 79.6%). Only in a case of positive test, treatment was adjusted.
Conclusions: More than 50% of the tests were not correctly indicated. We need to work on a more appropriate use of this test, reserving it for patients with severe CAP where the test has a higher sensitivity.
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