2015, Number 3
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Rev cubana med 2015; 54 (3)
Menopause and hypertension: from biology to clinical practice
Navarro DDA
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 239-251
PDF size: 274.42 Kb.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in women
over 50 years, which coincides with natural menopause and that gives connotation
as a health problem and socioeconomic importance to this physiological
phenomenon. Blood pressure levels, after menopause, tend to increase in women
compared to men of the same age. The prevalence of hypertension is similar for
men and postmenopausal women. These epidemiological elements linked to basic
studies conferred to estrogen an important role in controlling blood pressure in
women. For over 40 years, deaths from cardiovascular disease gradually decline in
men, not in women. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring showed a common
pattern in women with no dipper future cardiac complications and less tendency to
control blood pressure, however, no difference in usual therapeutic measures for
monitoring hypertension are among men and women. Taking into account the
important role of middle-aged women in Cuban society, we proposed: 1. identify
the peculiarities of hypertension in Cuban women in general and particularly in
middle aged women; 2. update the physiological bases related to the influence of
sex steroids and other biological and social factors on vascular physiology, and 3.
consider need to prescribe specific therapeutic measures for hypertension control in
menopause stage women. At least in our environment no characteristics of
hypertension are observed in women during middle age, although there is a guide
for diagnosis and treatment referring to menopause as a potential event of vascular
risk, it does not propose different treatment according to sex.
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