2015, Number 2
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Bol Clin Hosp Infant Edo Son 2015; 32 (2)
Resultados Neonatales en Embarazo Pretérmino Tardío, Término Temprano y Término Completo
Gómez-Pizarro CI, Rosas-Coronado MM, Leonel-Rivadeneyra S, Rojo-Quiñonez AR
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 69-75
PDF size: 273.40 Kb.
Background: Neonatal atterm, which period comprising 5 weeks from the 37th week, have been considered as a homogeneous
group and low risk. There are studies that have been found to interrupt pregnancies before 39 weeks (including elective
inductions, caesarean repetition and caesareans first time) are associated with a significant risk increased morbidity in 25.8
% and increased day hospitalization
Objective: Determine the optimal week to terminate a pregnancy to term, compared with late preterm.
Methods: Cross-sectional,Analytical study in a hospital state of Sonora in 2014 , review of records of women’s with
pregnancies non complicated ended in late preterm , early and completely term.
Results: The highest rate of preterm infants was found in young people, 2,800grs infants were enrolled with Apgar e» 8 ( p
= 0.000 ) , more complications were observed in late preterm ( 62 % ) compared to end early ( 37.3 % ) , the first two causes were
transient tachypnea of the newborn and impaired swallowing for both groups, respiratory morbidity was the first complication,
death in 3 preterm infants ( 3.3 % ) , no complications for ages over 39 weeks were submitted, Regar dless pregnancy
Conclusions: Determined to end early pregnancies enrolled as lower rates of preterm complications early though more fullterm
, especially respiratory type
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