2015, Number 1
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Invest Medicoquir 2015; 7 (1)
Quality of life related to health in aged people suffering from gonarthrosis
Bravo AT, Téllez DZ, Hernández TS, Pedroso MI, Martín CJE, Fernández CJI
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 59-76
PDF size: 315.20 Kb.
Introduction: The quality of life related to the health of aged people, suffering from gonarthrosis, can be affected by changes in the mobility and pain in the knees.
Methods: An explanatory, prospective, and quasi-experimental study was carried out in aged people, with a radiological and clinic diagnosis of chronic onarthrosis, in the period from January, 2011-August, 2012. These patients were attending the section of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Clinical Research Center, without paying attention to the patients place of residence. 52 patients were interviewed; the Analogical Visual Scale, the Health Profile of Nottingham, and the Womac Questionnaires were applied. The global results and the dimension results were compared at the beginning and at the end of the process, indicating rehabilitation and physical treatment for three months.The pain levels were evaluated according to the applied questionnaires.
Results: The average age was 70.75 years old, the majority was female sex, married, graduated from senior high school or university, living with other people, independent, and the evolution of the disease was less than five years. In these cases, the current health condition is better compared to the previous health condition they had. There was a correlation of pain in the questionnaries applied at the beginning and at the end.
Conclusions: Rehabilitation modifies the quality of life of aged people affected by gonarthrosis; it relieves pain significantly; it increases their health state´s perception with changes in the physical mobility and dreams; and in their functional state, it reduces rigidity and contributes to the progressive return to activities, to become functional independent.
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