2014, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2014; 9 (2)
Violence in very elders at 'Elpidio Berovides' Policlinic, Habana, 2013
González CDM, Torres JY, Chirino BM, Fernández CSI
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 16-21
PDF size: 398.92 Kb.
Objective: To identify if violence is present in the v ery elders of the community which is object of the study.
Method: A descriptive transverse study was carried out in September 2013. The universe was constituted by 183 very elders, both, female and male from the Family Doctor´s consulting rooms 7 and 16, who belong to "Elpidio Berovides" Policlinic of Lisa municipality. A non-probabilistic intentional sampling was applied to those cases considered more representative or being likely to provide better information, the sample was formed by 80 elders.
Results: Females prevailed in the group studied although men show a greater perception of the ill-treatment (37, 5%). By age groups, the one 70-79 years identify violence more (21,3%) and psychological ill-treatment (25,0%) was the main one identified. Most elders (85, 0%) knew ill-treatment, yet, they did not perceive it in themselves, this situation was not a health problem in the area investigated.
Conclusions: A low index of violence is shown in the area possibly due to the low perception there is about it. Men have a greater perception of violence, although it does not represent a health problem in the health area explored.
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